Dear CCNY Sustainability Alumni and Friends,
As we mark the tenth year of the interdisciplinary Sustainability in the Urban Environment master’s program, we hope this newsletter will sustain your ongoing engagement with CCNY and our Sustainability Program. Our plan is to hold a celebratory reunion event at the end of spring semester 2020 commemorating our first decade and we anticipate a great alumni turnout. Additionally, we are excited to announce that this year, CCNY’s president, Vincent Boudreau, has launched a college-wide initiative focused on sustainability and climate justice. Our reunion will be calendared along with multiple other sustainability- and climate-themed College events. More information will be forthcoming from the College soon.
Our records reveal that of our 184 graduates to date, most of you are engaged in sustainability-related work in the public/governmental sector, in private industry,in education, and in not-for-profit organizations. Collectively, you are pursuing careers in energy efficiency or renewable energy, climate adaptation, urbanagriculture, and education at various levels. By our current count, several of you have or are pursuing doctoral degrees, with one engaged in a post-doc fellowship. The “Employment Opportunities” section of our website features a representative listing of some of the positions you have attained—approximately fifty distinct positions are now included. This is by no means exhaustive, and wereally encourage all of you to send in career news so this can be continually updated.
A good number of our graduates are foreign born, joining us from such diverselocales as Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, CostaRica, the Ukraine, Pakistan, Lebanon, India, Ireland, Bangladesh, Sudan, Egypt, Russia, Jamaica, Myanmar, Iran, Colombia, Cyprus, Hungary, Panama, China,Taiwan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Sudan, and Mexico. A number of you may or willhave returned to your homeland, pursuing sustainable development or climate change resiliency measures.
Today, I need not remind you how vital it is to utilize your earned knowledge and expertise in addressing the pressing environmental, social and economicchallenges of our era. I hope that you continue to apply this proficiency with the unique passion and commitment we’ve observed of you first-hand as students. Inthe same spirit, we look forward to engaging both our new and returning students this academic year and to sharing more regularly with all of you what exciting work is taking place in our program here at City College.
Originally published Fall, 2019 in our inaugural newsletter.