Intro The US Atlantic Coast is one of the most vulnerable areas in the world to sea level rise (SLR) because of its low elevation, large population concentration, and economic importance. In addition to SLR, coastal communities like New York City can expect an increase in flooding events and unpredictable weather patterns in coming years. Under current emission trends sea level will continue to rise throughout the twenty-first century. The Northern Hemisphere is expected to experience an increase of up to 30 percent maximum precipitation (Banholzer et al. 2014). NYC and the North East Coast of the United States is …
Tag: flood resilience
Student Project: The Hoboken Resilience Primer
Students Danielle Tommaso, Joe Sollod, and Lorenzo Paganotti presented their mid-year progress for their yearlong capstone project focused on the development of a Hoboken Resilience Primer for the City. See video below from their Zoom presentation on May 15th, 2020.
Alumni Profile: Yuliya Dzyuban, Class of 2015
I received a Fulbright scholarship to pursue a masters degree in the U.S. Sustainability program at CCNY which looked like a good fit to connect my architecture background and interest in sustainability. The program gave me a solid introduction to sustainability concepts and helped me to understand that it is a truly interdisciplinary science. It was my first experience working with classmates from a variety of fields many of whom came from the industry. My interest and capstone project in resilienceto flooding enabled me to get a fellowship at the NSF funded project Urban Resilience to Weather Extremes Sustainability Research …