Divya Fellowship Presentation

SUS Student Completes UNH Sustainability Institute Fellowship

Over the Summer of 2024, current Sustainability Student Divyaprabha Chandrasekar completed a fellowship with the University of New Hampshire’s Sustainability Institute. The annual paid fellowship program places qualified students from universities all over the country with various partner organizations to work on wide range of sustainability projects. Divya noted “it’s an amazing opportunity and UNH has more areas of interest and resources to work with on sustainability parameters that CCNY sustainability students could check out.” Her fellowship focused on sustainable interior design materials with Stibler Associates. The fellowship program also brings together each cohort for a professional development retreat and …

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Introducing Our Big Sibling/Little Sibling Program!

A priority of our Sustainability Program is creating an interdisciplinary community of professionals addressing the many issues surrounding equitable climate change mitigation and adaptation in our cities. Especially in the current era of remote learning, creating that sense of community is more challenging and more critical now than ever before. That is why two of our students, Navida and Kathy, came to the Program with a spectacular idea to support our incoming students. The Sustainability Big Sibling/Little Sibling program will pair each new student with a current Sustainability Student or recent Program graduate based on interests to help guide them …

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Events: Division of Science Student Research Panel and Research Opportunity Fair

On Tuesday, October 13th, 2020 the Division of Science held a student research panel with representation from each Program including Sustainability. The video of the full event is below. Students had the opportunity to present and discuss how they’ve gained research experience in their field and fun facts about themselves and their work. Also discussed was the Division of Science Student Council and the forthcoming graduate student club: Masters of Science. On October 20th, the Division of Science Student Council hosted a Research Opportunities Fair. The video is below to learn more about opportunities (many of which occur annually) at …

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