See embedded videos of the final presentations here!
Author: Katherine Gloede Silverman
DoSSC Fall Panel on Securing Research and Other Opportunities
The Division of Science Student Council convened a panel of students with research and/or work experience to discuss how they got their opportunities and how they made the most of them.
Final Capstone Presentations, Spring 2022
2022 Week of Science Sustainability Fair with the CCNY Division of Science
The challenges we face due to climate change are growing every day and these big problems require big solutions, starting right here in our own communities. Several organizations throughout New York City participated in the Week of Science Sustainability Fair to share information on how everyone can contribute to helping create a sustainable and environmentally friendly community. 0:00 Intro 0:05 Hudson River Park River Project :… 2:06 Billion Oyster Project : 2:55 CCNY Science Learning & Public Engagement : 4:29 CCNY Sustainability : 5:29 PSC Environmental Justice Commitee :… 6:42 Astor Apiaries : 7:33 …
My Leave-Taking From Professor Hillary Brown
When a CCNY faculty member initially approached me about joining the faculty at the Spitzer School of Architecture back in 2008, I did indeed hesitate. Instead, I started as a visiting professor. Unsurprisingly, I immediately fell in love with CCNY, its mission, and its extraordinary student body! Luckily for me then, given my sustainability background, I became Professor in 2010 to help ramp up the Sustainability in the Urban Environment program. Since then, I’ve served continuously on its Executive Committee before becoming Program Director in 2016. I always felt it a true serendipity and privilege to be part of this …
Introducing Our Big Sibling/Little Sibling Program!
A priority of our Sustainability Program is creating an interdisciplinary community of professionals addressing the many issues surrounding equitable climate change mitigation and adaptation in our cities. Especially in the current era of remote learning, creating that sense of community is more challenging and more critical now than ever before. That is why two of our students, Navida and Kathy, came to the Program with a spectacular idea to support our incoming students. The Sustainability Big Sibling/Little Sibling program will pair each new student with a current Sustainability Student or recent Program graduate based on interests to help guide them …
Final Capstone Presentations, 2020
Below see the video recordings for the final capstone reviews for the Fall, 2020 semester. Following each presentation is the abstract for the project. Open Passive House: Making a business case for multifamily affordable Passive House Summary (Abstract): There exists a highly compelling case for promoting Passive House building standards for the affordable multifamily sector in New York City. In addition to deep energy and carbon reductions that align with the goals of New York City’s Climate Mobilization Act, increased occupant comfort and climate resiliency will greatly benefit some of New York City’s most vulnerable populations. There is great interest in Passive …
Happy Holidays from Sustainability
2020 can be a difficult year to feel holiday cheer. While we would ordinarily gather in-person, we can at least celebrate together from afar! Featuring some of our current students and recent alumni, wherever you are and how ever you’re able to celebrate, we wish you a safe, healthy, and happy 2020 holiday season! The languages represented in the video are (in order) Spanish, Turkish, Urdu, Polish, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Marathi, Hebrew, Bengali, and English.
Research Guide on Sustainability Topics: A Post from Professor Nilda Sanchez-Rodriguez
Sustainability in the Urban Environment program at the City College of New York is fortunate to have the support of two knowledgeable liaisons to a trove of sustainability-related information: Professor Nilda Sanchez-Rodriguez, Chief Librarian of Architecture division [[email protected]; Drop-In Zoom; (212) 650-8767] Professor Philip Barnett, Reference Librarian, Science & Engineering Library [email protected] As the librarian liaison for Sustainability in the Urban Environment, I am pleased to provide library services and support for an extremely diverse population of students, faculty, and alumni. Providing equitable access to digital resources is increasingly critical to as CCNY Libraries continue to serve their communities amid …
Events: Division of Science Student Research Panel and Research Opportunity Fair
On Tuesday, October 13th, 2020 the Division of Science held a student research panel with representation from each Program including Sustainability. The video of the full event is below. Students had the opportunity to present and discuss how they’ve gained research experience in their field and fun facts about themselves and their work. Also discussed was the Division of Science Student Council and the forthcoming graduate student club: Masters of Science. On October 20th, the Division of Science Student Council hosted a Research Opportunities Fair. The video is below to learn more about opportunities (many of which occur annually) at …